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Trace Reynolds | means fighter | human♀


  • role: dropout
  • age: 17
  • birthday: September 10
  • mental: cynical, lonely
  • physical: average height, slim, freckled warm skin, unstyled short red hair, brown eyes
  • height: 5'2
  • style: dark colors, loose layers
  • residence: with her parents
  • likes: staying inside, online games, soundcloud music
  • dislikes: her parents, holidays, questions about life plans


Trace would rather not talk about herself. Her past is characterized by long stretches of silence, loneliness, and darkness, and she has grown comfortable with solitude, treating her interactions with others as a practice in balancing connection and distance.

The Castle


She has a boxy build without much that distinguishes her beyond her red hair that perpetually covers her brown eyes. She has an aversion to feminine clothing or flourishes, hiding herself in heavy dark fabrics and denim layers.