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blessfrey gdd - terms

in use

in use soon? or never?

  • ActivationUse: a skill is considered ‘used’ once a skillequip has been entered. It will immediately begin activating.
  • arsenal: a list of SkillEquips. Skills are represented as IDs and must be instanced into a container before they can be used by an entity. The instances are appended to the entity’s skill arsenal upon being ‘equipped’.
  • remove by tag: published to remove keywords by tag.
  • skill tagged: published during keyword setup; sends tags and the keyword
  • skill untagged: published when keyword is untagged, like during keyword teardown; sends tags and the keyword.
  • SkillEquip: an instance containing a skill and information about its cooldown status. A skill needs one in order to be used.
  • tag removed: published when a tag was requested to be removed. It won’t be published if the tag’s keyword expires naturally. It sends its tags, the keyword, and the source of removal.
  • track: (DG era variable, MoveToDestination.gd) If the AI is pathfinding to a point or object, track is true. Upon arrived(), it is false. It is checked in handle_moved_result(result, entity).
  • waypoints: (DG era variable, StateMachine.gd) the list of selected points the entity will be traveling to. Usually a patrol route.