.            ★.        . blessfrey.me ..          ☆        .

blessfrey game design document

The vision for Blessfrey

Choose a primary and secondary class, gain skills through gameplay, build a skillbar from unlimited combinations of skills with interesting synergies, and test it in combat with new friends around town. Or collect practical skills to spend a day transmuting items, cooking, or socializing. Lots to discover and explore!

achievement gig perk
ai groups pip
armor-rating highlight projectile
attack-loop ID proxemics
attribute inspect menu punishment
attribute-point inventory setting
cast item skill
character job smartphone
collision keyword spirit
controls KnowledgeBase status-effect
credits language store
damage-type life story
death-penalty marketing style guide
design-philosophy mechanics terms
dialogue Mercur ui
docs MessageBus vibe
environment-effect milestones website
fog-of-war miracles xp
gear pathfinding xp-bar