Sometimes you have to punish the player for their actions to maintain some illusion of society.
- mall cop detainment - "collect" visits like Dragon's Dogma's sets of prisoner's rags
- watch a gun safety video at the DMV-tier punishment for stray fireballs and arrows
- activities/stories exclusive to jail - jailbreak; max affinity with the warden; Arnora, Gann-of-Dreams, etc; passage leads somewhere special and is only accessible from jail; jail-only faction
- sent to jail for public nudity, so your friends have to bring you clothes but prank you by bringing a stupid costume
- 6teen mall cop nonsense is hilarious - "Friends don't let friends break the law!" (proceed to punish even the innocent bystander friends); "loitering"; "one false move & you're mine"; "I'll be watching you"; "Fire hazard!"; accuse mall Santa of loitering; made up violations enforced strictly