There's some uncertainty about how to move forward with my treatment, so let's have a community day of prayer and fasting on Wednesday. If you like, participate however you prefer.
I want to fast again but with family and friends. It's hard to think about doing when I'm really weak, but it's been okay in the past, idk.
My oncologist is considering cutting this treatment short and ordered a PET scan for restaging. Maybe we'll try a third line of treatment or maybe experimental medicine if FOLFIRI is doing more harm than good.
There was a lot of uncertainty how to control my cancer in November 2023, too. After inviting close friends for prayer, my oncologist did find a very effective and comfortable treatment then, and it almost killed all the tumors pretty fast. So no big deal, done it before and was fine. It's a nonlinear thing, you know. I prefer prayer to be a part of the planning process, though.
I'd like to open this to my whole community, so it'd be really sweet if you participate how you like, too.
A fast to me is typically water, no food, and no activities outside of prayer, singing, Scripture, church writings, and sermons. I've never gone over a day. People go about it differently. It's hard, but it's a good time of growth. It reveals what's really important and gives me more of a distaste for wastes of time.
There are many fasts in Scripture, like Esther 4 and Jonah 3. Both books are short and fun and funny to read in full, but these two community fasts are also quite serious, taken in times of certain destruction. Not to be dramatic, but God holds answers when there's no human answer for things. And, of course, don't feel excluded due to your lifestyle. The Assyrians in Jonah weren't good Christians at all, yet God honored their cry.
If you would like to pray for me, pray for